November 18, 2023 7:00am

Serafin Power Poll: November 2023

Betting on the Cubs, prioritizing crime, and shopping habits this holiday season

By Megan McFarlane
Chicago, IL Correspondent
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The holiday season is here! As we wrap up last minute items before Thanksgiving and start defrosting the turkey, the November Serafin Power Poll results show faith in the Cubs, a desire for the mayor to prioritize violent crime next year and an inside look on holiday shopping plans from Chicago influentials.

Mayor Brandon Johnson is approaching 6 months since being sworn in last spring. Those six months have been packed with various issues and events, but there’s always more work to do. We asked Serafin Power Pollers what his top priorities should be in the new year.

Here are the results:

57% said solving violent crime

23% said the migrant crisis

19% said rejuvenating Chicago’s business climate

1% said preparing the city for the Democratic National Convention next year

The Cubs replaced David Ross with Craig Counsell as manager. With a $40 million dollar contract, Counsell is now the highest-paid manager in major league history. The White Sox are in the process of rebuilding their program as well. We asked pollers which baseball team will be more successful going into a rebuilding year:

78% said the Cubs

23% said the White Sox

Inflation has hit hard – everything is more expensive and that means some people have had to reevaluate how they spend their money. We asked our pollers if this year’s economy meant a more conservative approach to their gift shopping:

37% said they’re all in this year – there’s no difference

35% said yes, but inflation won’t ruin their holiday season

28% said no, but they have fewer gifts to purchase this year

Following the topic of holiday shopping, we asked where Serafin Power Pollers would be doing most of their shopping:

An overwhelming 69% said they’re shopping online

17% said downtown Chicago

15% said suburban malls

We finished up our poll by letting Serafin Power Pollers write in their least favorite Thanksgiving dish. There was an array of responses, but cranberry, sweet potatoes and turkey led the pack when it comes to holiday dishes they’d just as soon do without.

Power Poll Members: Do you have a friend or colleague who should be on Power Poll? Please invite them to join!

About Power Poll: Power Poll asks questions of the most powerful, influential people in U.S. cities. It is not a scientific survey. But because the people responding to the surveys comprise the leadership structure of their cities, the results afford a fascinating glimpse into the thoughts, opinions, and beliefs of those in a position to make change. Power Poll is distinctly nonpartisan.

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