
By default, each Power Poll survey contains a discussion thread.  We encourage Members to comment and create a conversation about the topic at hand.

Accessing Comments

There are several ways to access the comments:

The Survey

After taking the survey, you will be given an opportunity to comment.  You have several minutes to comment using the special URL from your email (the one used to access your survey) before you must sign in.  If you need to sign in, the system will guide you through that process and return you to the comments section.

You can return to the survey (while it is active) at any time to view and add to the discussion.

Your Area Page

You can access the discussion at any time by visiting the "Comments" section of your area landing page.

  1. Select your Power Poll Area from the pull-down in the top right section of the Power Poll website.
  2. Under "Area Information," click the Comments item.
  3. Select the topic (the title will match the survey).
  4. You can now see the entire discussion thread and add to it.

The Article

Once the results article is live, you can access the entire discussion thread at the bottom of the article.  The system will guide you through the signing-in process and return you to the comments section.

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